Parameter Test Result Vietnamese Standard 3769:2004 Test Method Pass
SVR 5    
1. Dirt content (max % wt) (retained on 45
micron sieve)
 0,05  0,05    
2. Ash content (max % wt)  0,60  0,60    
3. Nitrogen content ( max % wt)  0,60  0,60    
4. Volatile matter (max % wt) (2)  0,80  0,80    
5. Initial plasticity (Po) (min)  30  30    
6. Plasticity retention index (PRI) (min)  60  60    
7. Color coding band White opaque  White opaque    
8. Color coding marker  Light green  Light green  
(1)   There are 3 sub-grades of SVR 5 including SVR 5 WF (Processed from Field latex), SVR 5RSS (Pressed bale of Rubber Smoked Sheet) and SVR ADS (Pressed bale of Air
Dried Sheet).
(2)  Min limits 0.5% of producer.
(3)    Limit of producer for Constant Viscosity Mooney.
(4)  Rheograph (R) and cure property are enclosed when customer requires.
(4) Đồ thị Rheograph (R) và đặc tính lưu hoá được kèm theo khi có yêu cầu của khách hàng.